Development of Multi Sensor Blind Stick ....... ........ by MUHAMMED SHARIF

It Is The Time To .... Develop The Blind Stick To .... a Magic Stick

Development of Multi Sensor Blind Stick ....... ........ ........ by MUHAMMED SHARIF

It Is The Time To .... Develop The Blind Stick To .... a Magic Stick

Development of Multi Sensor Blind Stick ....... ........ ........ ....... by MUHAMMED SHARIF

It Is The Time To .... Develop The Blind Stick To .... a Magic Stick

Development of Multi Sensor Blind Stick ....... ........ ........ ....... ...... by MUHAMMED SHARIF

It Is The Time To .... Develop The Blind Stick To .... a Magic Stick

Sunday 21 April 2013

S'2 WEEK 14 => 15 APRIL - 21 APRIL

I will be working on my FYP report, it’s going to take time but I will try my best to finish it earlier as Dr.Zulkhairi requested.
After that I need to submit a hard and a soft copy to the library for my FYP report.

later on in shaa Allah i will post a picture of my FYP report.


This is the update for the FYP hardcover 

S'2 WEEK 13 => 8 APRIL - 14 APRIL

This week is about preparing for the finale year project presentation.
And after that present all what I have done to my assessors, ustaz.Kamal and mdm.Zaridah .

S'2 WEEK 12 => 1 APRIL - 7 APRIL

The FYP poster :

S'2 WEEK 11 => 25 MARCH - 31 MARCH

S'2 WEEK 10 => 18 MARCH - 24 MARCH

S'2 WEEK 9 => 11 MARCH - 17 MARCH


The voltage regulator module is used to protect PIC and other connected sensors / actuators from over voltage. This is because PIC and all other connected sensors, actuators all support 5V DC only. Over voltage will cause any of the module burn.

 Voltage Regulator

LM7805 is used to regulate voltage in the system and output 5V DC (max output current: 1000mA). It supports input voltage from 7V DC to 18V DC. If the input voltage is over, the LM7805 will burn or auto shutdown due to overheat. The generated 5V from LM7805 will be noise filtered by 0.1uF ceramic capacitor and a 1000uF electrolytic capacitor. This is to avoid high frequency oscillation on the outputs which may cause system hang or unstable.

The voltage regulator module is used to protect PIC and other connected sensors / actuators from over voltage. This is because PIC and all other connected sensors, actuators all support 5V DC only. Over voltage will cause any of the module burn.
LM7805 is used to regulate voltage in the system and output 5V DC (max output current: 1000mA). It supports input voltage from 7V DC to 18V DC. If the input voltage is over, the LM7805 will burn or auto shutdown due to overheat.
The generated 5V from LM7805 will be noise filtered by 0.1uF ceramic capacitor and a 1000uF electrolytic capacitor. This is to avoid high frequency oscillation on the outputs which may cause system hang or unstable.
A diode is connected at the input of the LM7805. This is to avoid voltage connected reversely. An on/off switch is used to turn on/off the system and a LED (5V, 5mA) is used to indicate the system is power on/off. The LED is connected through 1KR resistor to limit current pass through LED is 5mA.

S'2 WEEK 8 => 4 MARCH - 10 MARCH

The H-Bridge

The original concept of the H-Bridge was being able to control the direction a motor was going. Forward or backward. This was achieved by managing current flow through circuit elements called transistors. The formation looks like an H and that's where it gets the name H-Bridge. Here is what it looks like:

The picture above illustrates the 4 base cases that we can get out of the simple version of an H-Bridge. The two cases that interest us are when A & D are both 1 and when B & C are both 1.

When A & D are 1 current from the battery will flow from point A through the motor to D's ground. However for the case when B & C are both 1, current will flow in the opposite direction from B through the motor to C's ground.

The L298 Motor Driver

At below you'll see a sample the H-Bridge with looks like with each pin labeled. 

The advantage that the HN offers is that all the extra diodes typically necessary with a
standard L298 circuit are already internally in the chip. It saves us as designers an extra element for the motor control circuit.

Varying DC Motor Speed

Pins 5 & 7 in the chip pinout above are inputs 1 & 2 respectively. These inputs take what is called a PWM input. The frequency of the PWM is dependant upon the motor. For our motor we'll use a 1 KHz input frequency. This means the motor speed will be updates 1 thousands times a second. The duty cycle of the PWM will determine the speed & direction of the motor.

S'2 WEEK 7 => 25 FEB - 3 MARCH

PWM, or Pulse Width Modulation is a powerful way of controlling analog circuits and systems, using the digital outputs of microprocessors. Defining the term, we can say that PWM is the way we control a digital signal simulating an analog one, by means of altering it's state and frequency of this.

This is how a PWM signal would look like:

The PWM is actually a square wave modulated. This modulation infects on the frequency (clock cycle) and the duty cycle of the signal. Both of those parameters will be explained in details later but by keeping in mind that a PWM signal is characterized from the duty clock and the duty cycle. The amplitude of the signal remains stable during time (except of course from the rising and falling ramps). The clock cycle is measured in Hz and the duty cycle is measured in hundred percent (%).
Clock cycle and Duty cycle parameters
These are the basic parameters that characterizes a PWM signal. The first parameter is the clock cycle. It is the frequency of the signal measured in Hz.
The other parameter has to do with the switching time of the signal. 

All three signals shown above are square wave oscillations modulated as per their oscillation width, so called "duty cycle". They have the same frequency (t1), but they differ on the width of the positive state (t2). The duty cycle is the percentage of the positive state compared to the period of the signal. So:

Period (T) =
Frequency (F)

A 10% dudy cycle means that the positive stated remains positive for 10% of the period of the signal.


Suppose that the above signals have a frequency of 1000Hz. This means that their period is 1/1000 =>

T = 0.001 Sec => T = 1mSec

The first signal has 10% duty cycle. This means that during one full period, it remains positive for 10% of the total period:

t2 = 
    10 x T    

And this comes to t2 = 0.1mSec. In the first example, the positive state will remain for 0.1 mSec.
With the same way we can calculate the t2 (positive state) of the other two signals:

Signal 2, 40%:

t2 = 40 x 1mSec / 100 = 0.4 mSec

Signal 3, 90%:

t2 = 90 x 1mSec / 100 = 0.9 mSec 

Pulse-Width-Modulation (PWM) in Microcontroller
The Pulse-Width-Modulation (PWM) in microcontroller is used to control duty cycle of DC motor drive. PWM is an entirely different approach to controlling the speed of a DC motor. Power is supplied to the motor in square wave of constant voltage but varying pulse-width or duty cycle. Duty cycle refers to the percentage of one cycle during which duty cycle of a continuous train of pulses. Since the frequency is held constant while the on-off time is varied, the duty cycle of PWM is determined by the pulse width. Thus the power increases duty cycle in PWM.
The expression of duty cycle is determined by,

%Dutycylcle=ton/T x 100%

Basically, the speed of a DC motor is a function of the input power and drive characteristics. While the area under an input pulse width train is measure of the average power available from such an input.

S'2 WEEK 6 => 18 FEB - 24 FEB

Direct current (DC) motor has already become an important drive configuration for many applications across a wide range of powers and speeds. The ease of control and excellent performance of the DC motors will ensure that the number of applications using them will continue grow for the foreseeable future. This project is mainly concerned on DC motor speed control system by using microcontroller PIC 16F877A. Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) technique is used where its signal is generated in microcontroller. The PWM signal will send to motor driver to vary the voltage supply to motor to change the speed when the distance changes.

Direct current (DC) motors have variable characteristics and are used extensively in variable-speed drives. DC motor can provide a high starting torque and it is also possible to obtain speed control over wide range. We need a speed motor controller in the most of the robots. For example, if we have a DC motor in a robot, if we just apply a constant power to each motor on a robot, then the robot will never be able to maintain a steady speed. It will go slower over carpet, faster over smooth flooring, slower up hill, faster downhill, etc. So, it is important to make a controller to control the speed of DC motor in desired speed.
DC motor plays a significant role in modern industrial. These are several types of applications where the load on the DC motor varies over a speed range. These applications may demand high-speed control accuracy and good dynamic responses.
In home appliances, washers, dryers and compressors are good examples. In automotive, fuel pump control, electronic steering control, engine control and electric vehicle control are good examples of these. In aerospace, there are a number of applications, like centrifuges, pumps, robotic arm controls, gyroscope controls and so on.

 Most DC motors are normally very easy to reverse, simply changing the polarity of the DC input will reverse the direction of the drive shaft. This changeover process can be achieved via a simple changeover switch or for remote or electronic control, via a suitable relay. When using a switch or relay always check the contact current ratings and allow for larger currents to be switched, as different mechanical loads and instant reverse can draw much higher currents than when the motor is being run unloaded.
Another big advantage of DC motors is that variable speed control is easy and can be achieved with just a suitable variable resistor / rheostat or variable DC power supply. For more precise control and maximum efficiency there are many other electronic PWM (pulse width modulation) solutions, although these tend to have added complexity. Most DC motors are designed to exhibit the same speed and output torque in either the forward or reverse direction. Drive shaft speeds rpm (Revs Per Minute) are quoted with motor unloaded. The specifications considered for DC geared motor SPG30-300K are stated below:
  • ·         DC12V
  • ·         Output Power: 1.1 Watt
  • ·         Rated Speed: 12RPM
  • ·         Rated Current: 410mA
  • ·         Rated Torque: 1176mN.m

 DC geared motor SPG30-300K

DC motor Speed Controller

For precise speed control of system, closed-loop control is normally used. Basically, the block diagram and the flow chart of the speed control are shown below. The speed is compared with the reference speed to generate the error signal and to vary the armature voltage of the motor.

There are several types of DC motors that are available. Their advantages, disadvantages, and other basic information are listed below

Stepper motor
Very precise speed and position control. High Torque at low speed.
Expensive and hard to find. Require a switching control circuit
Dc motor w/field coil
Wide range of speeds and torques. More powerful than permanent magnet motors
Require more current than permanent magnet motors, since field coil must be energized. Generally heavier than permanent magnet motors. More difficult to obtain.
DC permanent magnet motor
Small, compact, and easy to find. Very inexpensive
Generally small. Cannot vary magnetic field strength
Gasoline (small two stroke)
Very high power/weight ratio. Provide Extremely high torque. No batteries required.
Expensive, loud, difficult to mount, very high vibration.