Tuesday 18 September 2012

WEEK 5 => 3 Sep - 9Sep

Proximity Sensors

Proximity Sensors are available in models using high-frequency oscillation to detect ferrous and non-ferrous metal objects and in capacitive models to detect non-metal objects. Models are available with environment resistance, heat resistance, resistance to chemicals, and resistance to water.

Proximity sensors are switches or sensing devices that can detect a nearby, specific object without actual contact. There are three types of proximity sensor: inductive, capacitive and magnetic. They can be either shielded or unshielded. Typically, all require close positioning to the object being sensed (about ½ inch or less). Proximity sensors require almost no maintenance, and most are resistant to environmental contaminants and conditions.

The maximum distance that this sensor can detect is defined "nominal range". Some sensors have adjustments of the nominal range or means to report a graduated detection distance.

Proximity sensors can have a high reliability and long functional life because of the absence of mechanical parts and lack of physical contact between sensor and the sensed object.

-->> Citation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proximity_sensor

Sharp GP2D12 Distance Measurement Sensor

This sensor takes a continuous distance reading and reports the distance as an analog voltage with a distance range of 10cm (~4") to 80cm (~30"). The interface is 3-wire with power, ground and the output voltage.

  • Very Small in size
  • Less influence on the colour of reflected objects, reflectivity
  • Analog voltage corresponding to distance
  • Detecting distance of 10 to 80 cm
  • External control circuit unnecessary
  • Low cost

-->>Press here for Data sheet link 

Infra-Red Proximity Sensor Part 1

This proximity sensor,is easy to build, easy to calibrate and still,it provides a detection 
range of 35 cm

This sensor can be used for most indoor applications where no important ambient light is present.

The basic idea is to send infra-red light through IR-LEDs, which is then reflected by any object in front of the sensor .
Then all you have to do is to pick-up the reflected IR light. 

Infra-Red Proximity Sensor Part 2

This article deals with a more advanced IR proximity sensing scheme, as compared to the one proposed in the previous article. It is also more expensive but provides more accurate results even in sunny outdoor environment.

The Principle of operation

 As I said, the main idea behind obstacle detection using IR is to send Infra-Red (IR) light in a certain direction, and if an object is present no too far from the sensor, IR will be reflected back and detected by the sensor. But as you may already know, one of the biggest problems that can cause the malfunctioning of an IR proximity sensor, is the ambient light and surrounding sources of IR like the sun and halogen lamps that can cause false triggering of the sensor.

figure 1.A

The ingenious solution that was developed to avoid this problem, is to send pulses of IR light at a certain frequency instead of a constant beam, and build a receiver that would only detect IR pulses of the same exact frequency, cutting of all pulses of higher or lower frequency. 

The kind of device capable of filtering signals this way is called a bandpass filter. There are a lot of types of bandpass filters, a whole branch of electricity is dedicated to this subject. Instead of building a band pass filter, we used a very common IR receiver Module as the one shown in figure 1.A.
That incorporates a receiver, an amplifier and a very reliable filter that rejects all the signals that are a couple of kilohertz far from the original central frequency, all in one single integrated circuit, just as big as a 5V regulator. The central frequency is fixed by the constructor usually at 40 khz.

Figure 1.B shows in simplified way the composition of the IR receiver and the way it filters all the source of light except the the 40Khz IR signal.

Ultrasonic Sensors

Ultrasonic sensors use sound waves rather than light, making them ideal for stable detection of uneven surfaces, liquids, clear objects, and objects in dirty environments. These sensors work well for applications that require precise measurements between stationary and moving objects.

Ultrasonic Distance Sensor provides range from very short (2 Centimeters) to long-range (5 Meters) for applications in detection and ranging. The sensor provides precise and stable non-contact distance measurements from about 2 cm to 5 meters with very high accuracy. 

The ultrasonic sensor can easily be interfaced to microcontrollers where the triggering and measurement can be done using two I/O pin. The sensor transmits an ultrasonic wave and produces an output pulse that corresponds to the time required for the burst echo to return to the sensor. By measuring the echo pulse width, the distance to target can easily be calculated.

  • Power supply :5V DC
  • Quiescent current : <2mA
  • Effectual angle: <15°
  • Ranging distance : 2cm – 500 cm
  • Resolution : 0.3 cm  
  • Range: 2 cm to 5 m. 
  • Accurate and Stable range data
  • Data loss in Error zone eliminated
  • Modulation at 40 KHz
  • Triggered externally by supplying a pulse to the TRIG pin 
  • 5V DC Supply voltage and Current - <20mA
  • Can communicate with 5 V TTL or 3.3V CMOS microcontrollers
  • Echo pulse: positive TTL pulse, 87 µs minimum to 30 ms maximum (PWM)

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