Sunday 17 February 2013

S'2 WEEK 5 => 11 FEB - 17 FEB

ADC (Analog to Digital Converter)

Block Diagram of Partial Discharge In Data Storage

Data from the sensor will flow to analogue-digital converter (ADC). In this part, the data will convert from analogue to digital. It will separate regarding the level of the voltage or the waveform itself. If sampling rate at the waveform are low the bit after ADC is also low and sampling rate are high the bit on ADC will be high. The quality of the waveform will be determined by the variable. The ADC has to work depending on the frequency of the sensor and the voltage to make it more accurate or same as original waveform and simple to construct the circuit in the ADC with 8 bit resolution.
The data from the ADC will go to storage, but in storage there will be another circuit and program that have been done to ensure that the data will store in the storage. The circuit is to control the data to go to specified program to save in some format file and store it in the storage. The specified program is to manage the data not be separate in any ways but it have to be structured according right sequential. This will ensure that the data can be saved in one format and not to be interrupted by the other files in the storage.

Internal Error in Analogue to Digital Converter

In process converting analogue to digital output, a quantization error is inherent in all analogue to digital converter while sampling in amplitude axis. For example a four bit ADC which is has resolution of (1 cont/100mV) shows results for the different range for the output, for 1 count its between minus 0.5 to plus
0.5 in the range of the input. To more understanding, the figure below is illustrated;

The quantization error at amplitude

The figure show an example that all analogue voltage values from 50mV to 150mV is produce same digital output, 0001; and between 150mV to 250 is 0010. Thus it will count as one value in digital. However, in analogue input is between from 250mV to 350mV and the value in digital is 0011, converting the value again into analogue the value is shown as 300mV but the actual value is not 300mV cause the original value is between 250mV to 350mV. Thus in this case the quantization error for this digital value is ±50mV. So the internal problem in making the analogue to digital converter circuit its can only be minimize.

Analogue to digital converter in PIC

PIC is a family of Harvard architecture microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology, derived from the PIC1640 originally developed by General Instrument's Microelectronics Division. The name PIC initially referred to "Peripheral Interface Controller”. PICs are popular with both industrial developers and hobbyists alike due to their low cost, wide availability, large user base, extensive collection of application notes, availability of low cost or free development tools, and serial programming (and re-programming with flash memory) capability. PIC16F877A is a small piece of semiconductor integrated circuits. The package type of these integrated circuits is DIP (Dual Inline Package) package. This package is very easy to be soldered onto the strip board. However using a DIP socket is much easier so that this chip can be plugged and removed from the development board. The purpose of using PIC 16F877A is writes a program into it. It is very easy to assemble and it can be programmed and erased up to 10,000 times.

The waveform sampling in discrete time

The figure above show the analogue sample converting to discrete time.
This time sampling is the important part because its will show the quality of converting to digital. If the time sampling is not high so the quality wave form is worse.

Then the discrete-time signal is quantized to generate the digital signal

Sampling in digital signal

After converting to digital, the above figure show the line red is in digital unit of waveform. Digital waveform did not same as the original value because had quantization error. To reduce the quantization error, must put a resolution to make sure that digital output most same as the analogue input.
In PIC16F877A has built in ADC ports, which is port a is a input and port e is output. In PIC, it can be configured according to resolution will need to enhance the quality waveform in 8 bit or 10 bit resolution. The digital signal after conversion represents the digital version of the analogue signals and because it’s have 2 type of resolution, for 10 bit, the accuracy is 1 part in 1024, better than
0.1% at full scale or also 8 bit, the accuracy is 1 part in 256, about 0.5%. There are a few function of ADC ports.
• For 10 bit resolution, the conversion of an analog input signal results in a corresponding 10-bit digital number.
• The A/D module has high and low-voltage reference input that is software selectable to some combination of VDD, VSS, RA2 or RA3.
• The A/D converter has a unique feature of being able to operate while the device is in Sleep mode.
• To operate in Sleep, the A/D clock must be derived from the A/D’s internal RC


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